From the state of Andhra Pradesh, a video went viral on social media, where a man was holding an oxygen cylinder for his premature baby at KGH Hospital in Vishakhapatnam.
This video triggered a huge public outrage, with many raising question on healthcare facilities and demanding improvement for the same. Many also wondered, where is the staff and why they are not on duty?
Watch The Video
In this video, the man was seen carrying oxygen cylinder on his shoulder, and the mother was with premature baby. The couple were reportedly transferring the baby to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) wing of the hospital.
Reacting to this incident, one user said, ‘Pathetic to see this happen’. Another user echoing talked about the negligence of the staff, saying ‘Staff is available but not working their duties properly. In every department negligence’.
Later issuing a response, the superintendent in-charge of KGH Dr Sivanand announced, ‘Measures will be taken to keep a battery vehicle available at all times to prevent the recurrence of such incidents.’
Taking cognizance of the incident, Andhra Pradesh State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (APSCPCR) member Gondu Seetharam ordered hospital authorities to submit a report on this incident.
What Lead To This Incident?
On Tuesday morning, the native of AP’s Kota Nanduru village Allu Sirisha gave birth to a baby girl.
Due to baby’s premature birth, doctors suggested NICU care, which also included oxygen support.
However, the attendants at that time, weren’t available to aid the nurse in moving the baby to NICU, which was in a separate block, away from the hospital maternity ward.
Later, the baby’s father Vishnu Murthy personally carried the oxygen cylinder to ensure his child received oxygen.
Looking at this incident, the bystander captured the incident and posted the video on social media, which quickly caught the attention of people.