Delhi Police has filed a chargesheet at Tis Hazari Court against Bibhav Kumar, a close aide to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, in connection with the Swati Maliwal assault case. The case pertains to an alleged assault on Swati Maliwal, the chairperson of the Delhi Commission for Women (DCW), during a protest.
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Kumar’s involvement in the incident has raised questions, with the police presenting evidence to support their case. This legal action marks a critical juncture in the ongoing investigation, highlighting political and legal ramifications in Delhi’s administrative circles.
The chargesheet marks a crucial development in the ongoing legal proceedings, indicating a pivotal moment in the pursuit of justice for Maliwal. As the case progresses, it is likely to continue garnering public and media scrutiny, influencing discussions on women’s safety and political accountability in Delhi.
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