Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal visited the Okhla landfill site on Wednesday and said the work to process and remove waste from the massive dump was running behind the projected target. The chief minister’s visit to the Okhla landfill site comes days after an inspection of work being done at the Bhalswa landfill site.
There were 45 lakh tonnes of waste in this mountain of garbage at Okhla. Work began last November to process and remove it gradually, and the target was to remove 30 lakh tonnes by May 2024, Kejriwal told reporters.
“But, this work is running slightly behind the projected target. Till date, about 18 lakh tonnes had to be removed, but (only) 12 lakh tonnes have been removed,” he said.
There are multiple reasons for this. But the process of hiring another agency has started to speed up the work, as one agency is not able to meet the target. Since the standing committee of the MCD is not in place and the matter is in court, as soon as the panel gets set up, both agencies will then work to meet the projected target.
“We expect the target to be reached. With the Delhi government and the MCD, we are working to remove the mountains of garbage. And last week, we visited the Bhalswa site,” the chief minister said.
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