Comedians Amit Tandon and Gursimran Khamba recently joined NewsX for a candid conversation as part of NewsX India A-List. In the exclusive interview, the duo spoke in detail about their latest show ‘Chalo Koi Baat Nahi’ on Sony Liv. Read excerpts:

Speaking about their new Show ‘Chalo Koi Baat Nahi’, Amit said, “We first met in 2019 and we were working on different stuff back then but had ideas that we wanted to do. Both of us had some common things. We were big fans of Balvati sir and the kind of satire that used to exist in the 90s, with shows like Office Office and things like that. We wanted to do something in that domain. Honestly, we worked on 2-3 different ideas but this comedy + sketch show is something that Sony also liked and said, “Let’s go ahead and do this”. That’s how we started working on it. The vision was to create a show, which the entire family can watch together and the entire family can relate to it. It is not limited to a Tier 1 or Tier 2 city but across the board. When people watch it, they should be like, “This happens with us also”. That’s the take we had for the show.”

When asked what made him come on-board and what he believes is the USP of the show, Gursimran shared, “I think Amit already touched upon some of the USPs that we think are there in the show. One is that we were very careful in terms of designing it. We really wanted to make one of those old school nostalgic sort of throwback kind of comedy shows. For example, last night I was watching Full tension again and you don’t get to make those kind of shows anymore because your entire pre-disposition is, “Oh my god, we have OTT now, let’s do something crazy and edgy. I feel because everyone sort of has gone in that direction, that space for a really nice, fun, everybody can watch together kind of old school, throwback show exist. We feel that there is a huge gap that exists. There are two kinds of comedy on OTT now, I feel. Either it is very edgy trying to be something like ‘Oh my god, look at this, we are going to change the world’, or it is this version of Hungama 2, which is just leave your brains at home. We felt that there is a massive gap in the middle for an audience that wants to watch it with family, which can have fun and smile throughout. That was essentially the goal. We feel that is the USP of the show.”

Talking about how the name of the show come about, Gursimran added, “We were looking at one of the phrases that we use in common language and we really felt that it sort of connected with the soul of Indians, in terms of how we are in day-to-day life, where every time something shitty happens, we say, “Chalo yaar, koi baat nahi”. It’s just a phrase that sort of caught on and we all use it as second nature. That was the goal with naming the show like this, like it slips off the tongue.”

Take a look at the entire interview on NewsX YouTube: