In celebration of the 161st birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, a momentous event unfolded as Vivekananda Kendra-Agartala was inaugurated at a distinguished school in Agartala. The ceremony brought together prominent figures from various fields, offering a poignant tribute to the revered spiritual leader.

The proceedings commenced with the ceremonial lighting of the lamp by the Maharaja of the Ramakrishna Mission, casting a divine aura over the event. The presence of schoolchildren, esteemed educationists, academics, and social activists infused vibrancy into the occasion, creating lasting memories.

Distinguished speakers shared inspiring facets of Swami Vivekananda’s life, weaving his teachings with the history of the iconic “Vivekananda Rock.” Notable personalities, including Dipak Majumder, Mayor of Agartala Municipal Corporation; Tapas Roy, a renowned social worker; Sanit Debroy, an eminent journalist and social activist; Paramananda Sarkar Banerjee, and Sekhar Dutta, social workers, recounted the tireless efforts behind the construction of the monument and its global acceptance.

In commemorating Swami Vivekananda’s birth centenary, special emphasis was placed on the establishment of the Vivekananda Rock memorial in 1970. A media release highlighted, “Venerable Eknath Ranade’s vision led to the creation of Vivekananda Kendra in 1972, with a determination to build a new India enriched with the ideals of sacrifice and service.” Starting with 16 officers in the North East, it has now expanded nationwide with 1,130 branches, 85 schools, and four hospitals.

Vivekananda Kendra has actively engaged in various projects focused on education, health, rural development, natural development, and community development. Regular camps in Kanyakumari cover diverse topics such as yoga, spiritual motivation, cultural inheritance, Hinduism, and fostering humanity.

Tushaar Kanti Acherjee, the convener of Vivekananda Kendra, expressed the organization’s commitment to working for the destitute, igniting Hinduism, and contributing to education. He announced the launch of Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, a CBSE school in Agartala enriched with a profound Hindu cultural legacy.

The inauguration of Vivekananda Kendra-Agartala stands as a testament to the organization’s unwavering dedication to Swami Vivekananda’s vision, fostering holistic development and preserving cultural heritage.