Delhi Health Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj on Sunday directed Health Secretary Deepak Kumar and Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar to ensure compensation to the family of the deceased in the Vivek Vihar fire incident that claimed the lives of seven newborns.

In his letter, Bharadwaj said, “At night of 25 May 2024, a very unfortunate and tragic incident occurred due to fire at a Baby Care Centre in Vivek Vihar, Delhi. Though this incident occurred around 11:30 pm, I got to know about this incident through a media flash. I have tried calling the Secretary (Health) multiple times and left him many WhatsApp messages but he has not responded yet. Therefore, I visited the incident spot alone.”

He further mentioned that as he is not able to communicate with the Secretary (Health) who heads the Department of Health, therefore he is sending this note with a copy to the Chief Secretary so that quick enquiry can be launched in this matter.
“Ensure enquiry into this incident, names and designations of officers or private people responsible for this negligence, ensure free treatment of rescued children in best private hospitals (under Farishtey scheme), compensation to the families of deceased and injured and Expedite the arrests of those who were running this Centre,” Saurabh Bharadwaj added.

Earlier, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in a post on X said that whoever is responsible for this negligence will not be spared.

“This incident of fire in a children’s hospital is heartbreaking. We all stand with those who lost their innocent children in this accident. Government and administration officials are busy providing treatment to the injured at the spot. The causes of the incident are being investigated and whoever is responsible for this negligence will not be spared,” he said.
According to the officials, 12 children were rescued from the incident site where one was already dead before the fire call was made.

“Six newborn babies lost their lives after the fire broke out and five others have been admitted to the hospital,” Delhi Police said.
Meanwhile, the owner of the care centre is Naveen Kichi who is still absconding.
As per the Delhi police, an FIR under sections 336 and 304A is being registered against him.