Singer-composer Vishal Dadlani on Friday offered to help the CISF constable who allegedly slapped actor-politician Kangana Ranaut at the Chandigarh airport on June 6. Dadlani shared a note on his Instagram story, offering her a job. “I do not ever support violence, but I absolutely understand the need for this @official_cisf personnel’s anger. If any action is taken against her by the CISF, I will ensure that she has a job waiting for her should she choose to accept it. Jai Hind. Jai Jawaan. Jai Kisaan (sic),” he wrote.

Kangana Ranaut Slapgate Incident

On Thursday, actor-politician Kangana Ranaut was allegedly hit by CISF constable Kulwinder Kaur while at Chandigarh Airport. Ranaut later recounted the incident, stating that Kaur approached her and struck her in the face while expressing support for the farmers’ protests. She expressed concerns over rising terrorism and extremism in Punjab, highlighting the need to address such issues.

A separate video circulating on social media showed Kaur explaining her side of the story, citing Ranaut’s past remarks about the farmers’ protests as the trigger for the altercation. Following the incident, several farmer organizations, including the Samyukta Kisan Morcha (Non-Political) and the Kisan Mazdoor Morcha, voiced support for Kaur, emphasizing the need for a thorough investigation into the matter.