The Eastern Railway is reportedly considering legal action against Trinamool Congress (TMC) MLA Kanai Chandra Mondal following an alleged altercation with a Travelling Ticket Examiner (TTE) on the Malda-Howrah Intercity Express. The incident, captured on video and circulated widely on social media, shows Mondal in a heated exchange with passengers and railway staff. However, the authenticity of the video has not been independently verified by PTI.
Companion Accused of Traveling Without Valid Ticket
The viral video reveals that co-passengers in the AC chair car compartment protested when Mondal’s companion was accused of traveling without a valid ticket. The TMC MLA reportedly lost his temper as passengers questioned the situation. One passenger was heard asking whether Mondal was disregarding democratic norms by allowing the person to travel without a proper ticket, sparking a wider debate in the compartment.
Passengers Demand Accountability
Several passengers demanded an explanation from the Nabagram MLA, asking if it was permissible for anyone to travel without a valid ticket. In response, Mondal denied any wrongdoing, stating that the TTE could pursue legal action if he saw fit.
Eastern Railway Contemplating Legal Action
Eastern Railway spokesperson Kausik Mitra confirmed that the railway authorities are consulting lawyers and senior officials to potentially take legal action against Mondal. Mitra also clarified that Mondal’s companion did not have a proper ticket in her name, leading to the confrontation.
MLA’s Defense: Claims of Misbehavior by TTE
In his defense, Mondal claimed that it was the TTE who behaved improperly and that he has lodged a formal complaint with the Divisional Railway Manager (DRM) of Howrah. He further explained that the woman in question was from his constituency and had requested a ticket upgrade from general to the AC chair car, where she was seated next to him.
The incident has sparked a major controversy, and the railway authorities are expected to take further action after consultations with legal experts.