Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Wednesday said Lord Buddha’s message of peace, harmony and co-existence stands stark against forces of hate and terror and asserted that his teachings are not relics of the past, but a compass for our future.
He also said that in an age of ethical uncertainty, Gautam Buddha’s teachings offer a path of sustainability.
He urged people to follow the light of tolerance, justice, and a shared commitment to peace, paving the way for a future where all flourish.
Addressing the inaugural session of the 12th general assembly of the Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace here, he said Bharat as a nation has been guided by the principles of Buddha.
Buddhism was born in India and spread to the diverse corners of the world, he said and cited a statement of Prime Minister Narendra Modi that we proudly belong to a nation that gave Buddha and not ‘yudh’ (war).
“World today faces challenges that are universal and call for concerted efforts — be it climate change, conflict, terrorism or poverty…These challenges to humanity are existential and can be addressed by common resolve and collaborative and collective approach,” he said at the event.
Dhankhar felt that as technology races ahead, Buddha’s Middle Path – a tapestry of friendship, moderation, and reverence for all life – offers a sustainable path for people.