On completing one year as West Bengal Governor, C.V. Ananda Bose said that violence and corruption are the two major issues in the state that beset public life. “The major issues which beset Bengal’s public life are violence and corruption,” the Governor said on Tuesday, adding that these issues have not been created by the existing system but it has been there.

“That is not something that emerged from society now. This is not something that is created by the existing system. It has been there, it’s a reality. But it cannot go unchecked. That is the issue that I face,” Bose said.

The Governor said that it is an “uphill task” and a major challenge that he faces as Governor. “We should take effective pro-active steps to eradicate violence and corruption. That is an uphill task, a major challenge which I find here as a Governor,” he said.

Speaking about his priority he said, “My priority is the people of India…I will spend more time with people…I will be maintaining my connection with the people. I want to be available for them. I want to be a friend of the unfriended poor.” “I will go by the standards of a jan-Raj Bhavan or mobile Raj Bhavan rather than sitting in an ivory tower. I want to be with the people,” he added.

The Governor also said that he wants to work on the cultural revival of West Bengal and he is launching Mission Kalakranti for that purpose. “I want to do something which I can for the cultural revival of the great state. This is the citadel or the hub of culture. Those golden days are to be brought back. I am launching Mission Kalakranti for the revival of the art, culture and heritage of this great state,” Bose said.

Responding to a question asked by the reporter on whether the Trinamool Congress (TMC) government is doing well in the law and order situation, he said, “That is an assessment which the Governor has to make after due deliberations and considerations.”