In an unexpected turn of events at the Paris Olympics 2024, Indian wrestler Vinesh Phogat’s promising run in the women’s 50kg wrestling category was marred by a weight mishap. Vinesh Phogat, who weighed 49.9 kg during the weigh-in on August 6, won three consecutive matches to secure her place in the final. However, her hopes were dashed when a subsequent weight check revealed she was over the limit by nearly 3 kg.

Vinesh Phogat, who has previously competed in the 53kg category, had meticulously reduced her weight to qualify for the 50kg division. This process typically involves significant dietary and hydration restrictions, rigorous exercise, and sauna sessions to meet the required weight for the morning weigh-in. Post-weigh-in, wrestlers often regain some weight due to rehydration and nutrition.

Despite these adjustments, Phogat’s weight unexpectedly surged by 2.7 kg, surpassing the permissible limit by 100 grams. Chief Medical Officer Dr. Dinshaw Pardiwala explained that while weight gain post-weigh-in is common, Phogat’s increase exceeded the expected 1.5 kg, leading to her disqualification. Efforts to rectify the situation, including drastic measures like cutting her hair, were insufficient.

The disqualification was a significant setback, especially after Phogat’s impressive performance, which included defeating defending champion Yui Susaki of Japan. With Phogat’s removal, the 50kg category will only award one bronze medal this year, instead of the usual two.

The Indian wrestling team is grappling with disappointment as they process the impact of this unforeseen setback.