Yunus Chaudhary, the president of the Congress party’s Baghpat district unit in Uttar Pradesh, was dismissed from his position on Saturday following the circulation of a controversial video on social media. The video allegedly shows Chaudhary engaging in inappropriate behavior, including exposing himself and making indecent remarks towards a woman who filmed the scene.
Content of the Video
In the disturbing clip, the woman can be heard expressing discomfort, saying, “My mother will come now, this is wrong,” while Chaudhary reportedly responds with, “This is the last time.” As of now, Hindustan Times has not independently verified the authenticity of the viral video.
Chaudhary’s Response
Despite the backlash, Chaudhary denied his involvement in the video, claiming it was manipulated and edited by political adversaries to tarnish his reputation. He asserted that the footage was part of a larger conspiracy against him.
Police Statement
Baghpat Superintendent of Police (SP) Arpit Vijayvargiya noted that no formal complaint has been filed regarding the incident. He stated, “If a complaint is submitted, appropriate legal action will be taken in accordance with the law.”
Party Reaction
Following the release of the video, Congress State Spokesperson Abhimanyu Tyagi confirmed Chaudhary’s removal from the district president role. “I spoke to State President Ajay Rai, who confirmed that Yunus Chaudhary has been removed from his post,” Tyagi stated. He mentioned that the party leadership acted swiftly upon the video’s emergence. When asked about the possibility of further disciplinary action against Chaudhary, Tyagi indicated that the leadership would deliberate on the matter soon.
Attempts to reach Chaudhary for a comment were unsuccessful, as he did not respond to calls on his mobile phone. However, he reiterated in a social media statement that the video was a “political conspiracy” aimed at damaging his standing within the party.