In a poignant turn of events, Rattan Lal Kataria, veteran BJP leader and three-time parliamentarian from Ambala, passed away while undergoing treatment at a government hospital in Chandigarh. The news was confirmed on Thursday by his wife, Banto Kataria.
Kataria was admitted to the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, under critical conditions for several days. His health had been a subject of concern among his peers. On Wednesday evening, the former Tripura Chief Minister and BJP, in-charge of Haryana, Biplab Kumar Deb, had made a visit to inquire about Kataria’s health and expressed his wishes for a swift recovery.
Upon the news of Kataria’s demise, Deb took to Twitter to convey his condolences, expressing deep sorrow over the loss of the former Union Minister of State and Ambala MP. He praised Kataria’s indomitable willpower, which remained strong even during his last moments, and offered prayers for the bereaved family.
Deb’s tweet read, “The demise of former Union MoS and Ambala MP Mr Rattan Lal Kataria is very sad. Last night itself I met Kataria ji at PGI Chandigarh, his willpower was very strong even in her last moments. My deepest condolences to his family in this hour of grief. May God give peace to the holy soul of Kataria ji and give strength to the bereaved family members to bear this loss.”
Arrangements have been made to perform Kataria’s last rites today at 12 noon at the Manimajra cremation ground in Chandigarh. The loss of Kataria is seen as a significant blow to the BJP, and the city prepares to bid adieu to the beloved leader.