The Vande Bharat Express, specially designed to withstand the unforgiving winter conditions of Jammu and Kashmir, made its much-anticipated entry at Jammu railway station today, stirring a wave of excitement among locals and passengers. A distinctive announcement echoed across the station: “Yatrigan kripya dhyan dein, Vande Bharat train sankhya 244027 Kashmir jane ke liye platform number ek par khadi hai.”

The electrified crowd responded with cheers of “Bharat Mata Ki Jai,” rushing to platform number one to witness the sleek, state-of-the-art train that will soon connect Katra to Kashmir. The scene was one of jubilation, as people gathered to celebrate what many described as a landmark moment in Indian Railways’ history. “We are thrilled to see this train in Jammu. It’s been our dream to travel on it,” said Adik Kadam, a Pune resident who had come with his family after witnessing snowfall in Kashmir. “This train makes Kashmir feel so much closer to us,” he added, reflecting the broader sentiment of enhanced national connectivity.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to flag off the train from Katra soon, following the green light from the commissioner of Railway Safety for the Katra-Baramulla section. However, the date for the flagging-off ceremony is yet to be announced. The launch of the Vande Bharat Express coincides with the completion of the 272-kilometer Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Rail Link (USBRL) project, a transformative achievement for Indian Railways. The train, unveiled by the Railway Board on June 8, has been customized with climate-adaptive technologies to tackle the harsh winters of the region.

Unlike the 136 other Vande Bharat trains running across India, this version boasts cutting-edge features such as heated water tanks, vacuum systems for warm air circulation, and sub-zero air-brake mechanisms. The train also has embedded heating elements in its windshield to ensure clear visibility for drivers during snowfall. Passengers can look forward to modern amenities, including fully air-conditioned coaches, automatic plug doors, and mobile charging sockets, offering a comfortable and luxurious travel experience. This groundbreaking connectivity project is more than just an engineering feat; it is a symbol of India’s commitment to bridging geographical divides. The USBRL project showcases two world-class marvels: the Anji Khad Bridge, India’s first cable-stayed rail bridge, and the iconic Chenab River arch bridge.

The Anji Khad Bridge, with its single pylon rising 331 meters above the riverbed, spans an impressive 473.25 meters, making it one of the two highest railway bridges in the world. Meanwhile, the Chenab Bridge, standing at 359 meters above the riverbed, is the highest railway bridge globally, surpassing the height of the Eiffel Tower by 35 meters.

Over the past month, Indian Railways conducted six successful trial runs along this challenging route, solidifying the operational readiness of this historic initiative. The introduction of the Vande Bharat Express symbolizes a new era of connectivity and economic integration for Jammu and Kashmir, with the picturesque Kashmir valley now more accessible than ever.