Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, on Monday, reached for the ground inspection of a landslide in the tunnel near Silkyara, Uttarkashi. During this, he took stock of the ongoing rescue and relief operations to rescue the workers trapped in the Silkyara Tunnel.
The Chief Minister himself went to the tunnel to know the status of relief and rescue operations. During the inspection, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami directed the officials to speed up the relief and rescue work. He said that it is the top priority of the government to quickly rescue the labourers trapped in the tunnel, for which every possible effort is being made.
While directing the officers and various agencies engaged in the relief and rescue operations to carry out the relief and rescue operations with high efficiency and full capacity, with better mutual coordination and promptness, the Chief Minister assured that all kinds of resources and technical assistance will be provided to the operation.
“If there is a need, the government will make it available as soon as possible. If any need arises at any level, the government should be informed immediately,” said Dhami. Dhami said that all possible options are being considered for relief and rescue operations.
“Arrangements have been made to send large-diameter hume pipes from Haridwar and Dehradun for rescue operations,” he added. The Chief Minister expressed confidence that due to the grace of God and the tireless efforts of the people involved in the rescue operation, the workers trapped inside the tunnel will soon be rescued safely.
Dhami said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi took detailed information on the phone regarding the condition of the workers trapped in the tunnel, and relief and rescue operations. He said that the Prime Minister has assured all possible help to deal with this accident. Along with this, instructions have also been given to keep an eye on every situation. Dhami said that central agencies have also been directed to cooperate in relief and rescue operations.