According to officials, police detained a Dehradun attorney named Kamal Virmani on Saturday in relation to the sale and purchase of a plot of land worth crores by allegedly tampering with the records in the Dehradun registrar’s office. According to the police, an SIT was established at the Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami’s request in order to detain the accused attorney, Kamal Virmani. An official reported that earlier, the police had detained nine suspects in connection with the land fraud case, among them another lawyer named Imran.
“We have arrested Kamal Virmani, a lawyer based in Dehradun, in connection with the sale and purchase of land worth crores. It is alleged that he facilitated the transaction by tampering with the records in the registrar’s office in Dehradun. On the instructions of CM Pushkar Singh Dhami, an SIT was formed to investigate the matter. The SIT arrested Virmani on Saturday late at night. Earlier, the police had arrested nine other accused persons, including another lawyer, Imran, in the land fraud case,” Dilip Singh Kunwar, SSP, Dehradun.
The SSP added that Virmani was being questioned by the police and SIT for additional leads in the case. The attorney had previously submitted a surrender application to the court. He was, however, arrested in connection with the land fraud case, according to officials, before the same could be taken into consideration by the court. The SIT and Dehradun Police also disclosed that they have begun looking into how some other “white-collar” individuals may have been involved in the land fraud case.
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