Pushkar Singh Dhami, the Chief Minister of Uttarakhand, thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday for introducing the women’s reservation bill into Parliament and claimed that PM Modi had accomplished historic work for the advancement of “Maatri Shakti.” “Yesterday was a historic day,” Dhami said in a statement to ANI. The session got underway in the new Parliament building under the direction of our prime minister, Narendra Modi. It is significant that the Women’s Reservation Bill was also introduced for the Maatri Shakti’s 33% reservation. I appreciate the Prime Minister for his historic contributions to “Maatr Shakti’s” advancement. The bill was presented by Union Law Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal on Tuesday during the first Lok Sabha session held in the new Parliament building.
The bill has been named “Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam.”
Introducing the bill in the Lower House, the minister said, “This Bill is about women’s empowerment. By amending Article 239AA of the Constitution, 33 per cent of seats will be reserved for women in the National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi. Article 330A provides for reservation of seats for SC/ST in the House of People.”
Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that the government is bringing a new Bill to reserve one-third of all seats for women in the Lok Sabha and the state legislative assemblies and that God has given him the opportunity to take forward the task of women empowerment.
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