Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has stepped in to support three orphaned children from Khainuri village in Chamoli district, who have been struggling since the loss of their parents. According to a press release from the Uttarakhand Chief Minister’s Office (CMO), the Chief Minister arranged for essential supplies and sustenance for the children through the district administration.
Acting on the Chief Minister’s instructions, a team from the Chamoli district administration visited Khainuri village on Sunday to assess the children’s needs. The team provided them with blankets, warm clothing, fruits, and nutritional items. They also evaluated the children’s living conditions, including housing and sanitation facilities, and assured continued assistance, as stated in the press release.
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The children’s father, Nain Singh, passed away in October due to illness, while their mother, Kusum Devi, died in 2020. This left the three siblings—daughters Sanjana and Sakshi, and son Ayush—in a challenging situation. Although local support was extended by Gram Pradhan Virendra Singh and other villagers, the absence of their parents plunged the children into financial hardship, the release noted.
Moved by their plight, the Chief Minister directed immediate action to provide relief. Blankets and warm clothes were supplied to protect the children from the cold, along with fruits and other essentials to ensure adequate nutrition. The administrative team also pledged ongoing government support to secure the children’s well-being.
Chief Minister Dhami reaffirmed his commitment to the children’s future, emphasizing that the state government would make every necessary arrangement to ensure their welfare. “The state is dedicated to creating a bright future for these children,” he stated. The story of these three siblings, marked by hardship, now carries a message of hope, thanks to the proactive efforts of the administration and the government, the press release concluded.
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Kate later took to Instagram to share that her cancer was in remission.