Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami visited Dehradun’s Maharana Pratap Stadium on Saturday to assess the arrangements for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit for the opening ceremony of the 38th National Games. The ceremony is scheduled for January 28, 2025.
“Before the 38th National Games, we have reviewed all the arrangements here and all the preparations have been completed and now we are waiting for this historic moment,” Dhami told the media after his inspection. “People of the whole country are also waiting for the National Games. It will be inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and since the state is the host, the people of the state are excited. We are welcoming everyone and it will be a historic event, our Devbhoomi will also be established as a sports land,” he added.
Over 10,000 athletes, coaches, and officials will come from across India for the 38th National Games to be held from January 28 to February 14, 2025. This time, the state will host 38 sports disciplines in different cities in Uttarakhand for the first time after the selection of December 2023.
In addition to that, Uttarakhand is preparing to construct the third largest shooting range in the country at Maharana Pratap Sports College in Dehradun ahead of the National Games. This range with 160 targets will be the third biggest one after Dr Karni Singh Shooting Range in Delhi and MP Shooting Range in Bhopal. This will include 60-60 targets for both 10 and 25 meters and 40 targets for 50-meter ranges. The state is soon to be on its way to being a major venue for national as well as international shooting competitions, by the infrastructure development in place now. The shooting events in the National Games will be held at Maharana Pratap Sports College.