Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami extended heartfelt condolences to the families affected by the tragic Shahjahanpur Tragedy, Uttar Pradesh, which claimed 11 lives. “The news of 11 people killed in a road accident in Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh, is extremely painful. In this hour of grief, my condolences are with the bereaved families, and I pray to God to give them the strength to bear this loss. I pray to Mother Purnagiri for the speedy recovery of the injured people,” Dhami expressed in a heartfelt statement.

The accident occurred when a truck loaded with ballast stones collided with a parked bus at a roadside dhaba under the Khutar police station in Shahjahanpur district. The truck overturned onto the bus, resulting in the tragic loss of lives. All the victims were devotees traveling to Uttarakhand from Jetha village in the Kamlapur police station area of Sitapur district.

Shahjahanpur Superintendent of Police Ashok Kumar Meena provided details, stating, “Around 11 pm, we received information that in the Khutar PS area, a bus was parked, with devotees who were en route to Purnagiri inside. Some devotees were having food at a Dhaba. A truck lost control and turned turtle on top of the bus… A total of 11 people died, and 10 were injured. All injured individuals have been admitted to hospitals…” The injured individuals are currently receiving medical treatment.

The Shahjahanpur Tragedy has left the community in shock and mourning, emphasizing the need for enhanced road safety measures to prevent such devastating accidents in the future.