Establishing uniform laws for marriage, divorce, property, inheritance, and adoption, Uttarakhand plans to adopt a Uniform Civil Code. Nearly a year ago the state assembly’s Bill passed, and this project corresponds with a pledge the BJP made in the 2022 elections. Except for Scheduled Tribes, the Code seeks to provide equal rights and opportunities all across every group.
The new regulations mandate that live-in relationships be registered and under-21 years-old individuals have to have parental aut
horization. Not meeting registration stipulations could mean three months in jail or a Rs 25,000 fine, or both. Further punishment could result from delayed registrations.
Standardizing the marriage age at 21 for males and 18 for females hopes to encourage education first. Polygamy, child marriage, and triple talaq are all banned under the Code of Indian and a uniform divorce process is established. It also ensures that kids born from cohabitation are acknowledged as valid and therefore entitled to same inheritance possibilities. Inheritance rights do away with gender distinctions; both sons and daughters are called “children.”
Furthermore, the Code outlaw customs such nikah halala and iddat, followed by some Muslim societies after a woman’s divorce or her husband’s demise.