In Udham Singh Nagar in Uttarakhand, heavy rains led to waterlogging and trapped up to 60 people inside their homes, according to officials on Wednesday. The State Disaster Response Force claims that the SDRF team learned late on Tuesday night from Tehsildar Kashipur that several residents of the Kashipur area of Udham Singh Nagar were trapped in their homes because of severe waterlogging. The SDRF team then left right away for the area with rafts and other rescue tools to carry out relief and rescue operations in the Kashipur region.

“Taking prompt action by the SDRF rescue team, relief and rescue work was started on the spot in the pitch darkness of the night itself and about 60 people trapped in the submerged houses were rescued with the help of rafts and brought to a safe place under extremely adverse conditions,” said officials.
The officials also said that residents of the waterlogged area had been provided accommodations at a nearby local primary school.
Amid a red alert for heavy rainfall in Uttarakhand, district magistrates have been urged to take precautions in their respective districts.