In an ambitious stride towards improving higher education, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath of Uttar Pradesh, India has set a new goal to establish a university in every district of the state. During a meeting with prominent heads of higher educational institutions, including leading private universities from South India and across the country, the initiative was officially announced on Wednesday.
Adityanath noted that Uttar Pradesh, being the state with the highest youth population, presents immense potential in the field of education. Thus, private sector should avail this opportunity to the fullest. Uttar Pradesh, known for its spiritual and cultural heritage, has been a major educational hub since ancient times. The cities of Kashi, Ayodhya, and Mathura are classic examples of this legacy.
Over the past decades, there was a trend of people turning away from higher education, however, under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a positive attitude towards education has been reinstated. Adityanath cited the rapid development in Uttar Pradesh, including significant improvement in interstate transport. Since 2017, the number of medical colleges has surged from just 12 to 45 in various districts, with 16 more under construction. Currently, there are 22 state universities, three central universities, and 36 private universities operational in Uttar Pradesh. Additionally, three state universities are under construction. There are also two Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), one Indian Institute of Management (IIM), and more than 2,000 polytechnic and vocational institutes.
Despite this progress, several districts are still without a university. The Chief Minister thus proposed to open universities in these districts, inviting private sector participation in the process. This year, 56 lakh students from the UP Board participated in the intermediate examination.
The Uttar Pradesh government will also provide ample concessions to private investors according to its policy, marking a good opportunity for the private sector to establish universities. The Chief Minister noted that there are 1.91 crore students in government primary and upper primary schools in UP, with individuals from neighbouring regions like Nepal, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, and Uttarakhand coming for treatment and education. This ambitious move aims to further uplift the educational sector and widen opportunities for students in the region.