Union Home Minister Amit Shah took to Twitter on Friday to laud Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his unwavering commitment to progress through technology, which has resulted in an exponential surge in digital transactions, simplified business operations, and extended government services through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) to every household. As the nation celebrates the 9th anniversary of Modi’s tenure, Shah emphasised the government’s focus on leveraging technology for the betterment of the people, using the hashtag #9YearsOfTechForGrowth.
Shah highlighted the transformative impact of the Modi government’s technological initiatives, acknowledging the significant rise in digital transactions that have made conducting business more convenient than ever before.The widespread adoption of digital payment systems has not only streamlined financial transactions but has also facilitated ease of doing business, empowering entrepreneurs and fostering economic growth.
Furthermore, the Home Minister praised the success of the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) program, which has revolutionised the delivery of government services by ensuring they reach every home. This pioneering initiative has significantly reduced corruption, improved efficiency, and enhanced transparency in the distribution of welfare schemes and subsidies.
Shah also underscored Prime Minister Modi’s unwavering support for research and development, remarking on the government’s focus on cutting-edge technologies such as quantum technologies and green hydrogen. Through sustained investment and encouragement, the Modi administration has nurtured a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, enabling India’s start-ups to gain a competitive edge in various sectors, including the burgeoning space industry.
The Union Home Minister further highlighted the profound impact of technology on rural areas, as the Digital India Mission has effectively bridged the digital divide. By making information accessible to the masses residing in 2nd and 3rd-tier cities, as well as rural regions, the government has empowered individuals and communities with knowledge, thereby facilitating their participation in the digital economy.
As the Modi government enters its 10th year, the profound impact of technology on India’s growth trajectory is indisputable. Through relentless efforts to leverage technological advancements, the administration has revolutionised various sectors, fostered innovation, and created an environment conducive to sustainable development. The commendations from Union Home Minister Amit Shah underscore the transformative power of technology in shaping India’s future and serve as a testament to the Modi government’s commitment to progress through innovation.
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