In a pressing appeal for immediate drought relief, Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to convene a high-level meeting, headed by Home Minister Amit Shah. The Chief Minister expressed concern over the prolonged delay in addressing the state’s critical situation. Siddaramaiah highlighted the urgency during a press conference, emphasizing five key demands for the welfare of the state:
1. Drought Relief: The Chief Minister stressed the need for a High Power Committee meeting to expedite drought relief, revealing that despite three prior requests, no preliminary meeting has been convened.
2. NREGA Work Extension: Siddaramaiah called for an increase in NAREGA work days from 100 to 150, citing a law provision for compulsory extension during drought conditions.
3. Bhadra Upper Bank Funds: The Chief Minister demanded the release of promised funds, announced by Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and former Chief Minister Bommai, for the Bhadra Upper Bank Project.
4. Mahadayi Project Clearance: Siddaramaiah urged the Centre to grant environmental clearance for the Mahadayi project, emphasizing its gazetted status and the potential benefits for the region.