A tragic incident occurred near the Patel Nagar Metro station in Delhi on Monday afternoon, where a 26-year-old man was electrocuted after coming into contact with an iron gate that was electrified.

The victim, identified as Nilesh Rai, was a civil service aspirant residing in nearby paying guest accommodation. He was rushed to RML Hospital, but the doctors pronounced him dead on arrival.

The Ranjit Nagar police station was informed of the incident at approximately 2:43 pm. Upon reaching the site, police officers found that the electrocution was exacerbated by waterlogging on the road.

A case was registered at the Ranjit Nagar police station under sections 106(1) (causing death by a rash or negligent act not amounting to culpable homicide) and 285 (danger or obstruction in public way or line of navigation) of the BNS. The police stated, “forensic teams examined the scene, and the investigation was going on.”