The Noida Police have apprehended an individual who stands accused of disseminating a deep fake video featuring Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. The video, generated using Artificial Intelligence, surfaced online through an account referred to as ‘X,’ attributed to ‘Shyam Gupta RPSU.’ Authorities from the Cyber Crime Police Station in Noida reported that the video, uploaded on May 1, propagated misleading information aimed at bolstering anti-national sentiments.

Following an alert from the Noida Unit of the Uttar Pradesh Special Task Force, charges were filed under sections 468, 505(2) of the Indian Penal Code, and section 66 of the Information Technology Act at the Cyber Crime Police Station in Noida. The accused, identified as Shyam Gupta from Barola in Noida’s Gautam Buddha Nagar, will face further legal proceedings under the jurisdiction of the Cyber Crime Police Station in Noida.

This incident occurred shortly after another instance involving a ‘doctored’ video allegedly featuring Amit Shah, wherein the Union Home Minister was purportedly heard expressing opposition to reservations in the country. On April 30, the Intelligence Fusion and Strategic Operations (IFSO) unit of the Delhi Police issued summonses to 16 individuals across several states in connection with the dissemination of the fabricated video involving Shah.