A man allegedly drugged his wife and cut off her palm in a hotel in Adarsh Nagar on Friday. As of now, no arrests have been made, as per the police. The woman was discovered in a semi-conscious condition. Police rushed to the spot after getting information about the incident around 10:45 pm. Police rushed the woman to a hospital, where she had lost a lot of blood. She was then sent to a different hospital, where the staff had her hand’s palm attached, according to deputy police commissioner Jitendra Meena.
During the investigation, the police discovered that the couple, identified as Satish Kumar and his wife, originally from Kanpur, had arrived and checked into the hotel around 3 pm on Friday. Later, the hotel staff heard a woman’s cry. When they knocked on the door, no one answered, so they forced it open and discovered the woman’s semi-conscious state. She was lying in a pool of blood, a police officer reported, adding that her husband had managed to escape the scene in an autorickshaw and was presumed to be somewhere else.
The blood-stained knife was next to the bed, and the woman’s left palm was found in the bathroom.
During the search of the room, she was found to be a constable in the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) and had travelled to the city to take an exam. However, GT Karnal Road was her examination centre. The case is being probed from all angles, including the possible estranged relationship between suspect and victim,” police said. The hotel and surrounding areas’ CCTV footage is being examined by investigators.
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