On Wednesday, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath gave employees strict instructions to deal with public problems with the utmost seriousness, sensitivity, and care while also ensuring quick and satisfying resolutions. He further warned that any negligence in handling public problems would not be accepted.

On the third day of Janata Darshan held at the Gorakhnath temple, the Chief Minister’s office issued a statement that provided the required instructions to the in attendance officials to resolve the issues. More than 200 people showed up for the event.

According to the statement, he forwarded the visitors’ letters to the appropriate authorities, gave them instructions for a swift resolution of their concerns, and assured everyone that no one would be treated unfairly while he was in office.

On complaints related to crime, the Chief Minister firmly directed the police officers to take strict action against the criminals, it added.

CM Yogi assured patients seeking financial help for the treatment of serious diseases of providing complete help, directing concerned officials to complete cost estimation as soon as possible and make it available to the government so that the required funds could be released at the earliest, it said.