On Guru Purnima, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath attended a program at the Goraknath temple in Gorakhpur on Sunday. In his address, CM Adityanath emphasized that India’s Rishi Parampara is intended for the welfare of the people and the nation. He stated that every moment of one’s life should be devoted to Sanatan Dharma and the country.
“Every deed which will be favourable for society, nation, or religion will be favourable for the person itself… The ‘Rishi Parampara’ of India is for the welfare of the public and nation… Rishi Parampara never divides us into caste or colour; it inspires us to take steps for the welfare of society and the nation…Every moment of our lives should be dedicated to Sanatan Dharma and the nation,” he said.
Earlier in the day, CM Adityanath offered his prayers at the Gorakhnath Temple, pouring milk on Lord Shiva and praying to Lord Gorakhnath. He also interacted with children, distributing chocolates on the temple premises. Additionally, he took to X to wish the people of the state on Guru Purnima, stating, “Heartiest greetings to the people of the state on the sacred festival of ‘Guru Purnima’! Guru’s grace protects the disciple from all kinds of obstacles. It removes the physical, divine, and material sufferings of the surrendered disciple and grants him salvation. My heartfelt greetings and salutations to all the teachers.”
Other leaders also extended their greetings on X for Guru Purnima. Prime Minister Narendra Modi shared his best wishes, saying, “Many best wishes to all the countrymen on the holy festival of Guru Purnima.”
Union Home Minister Amit Shah also conveyed his wishes, highlighting the crucial role of Gurus in society and national development. “Gurus are the main carriers of the development of any society or nation. With the knowledge gained from years of penance, research, and experience, they take disciples from darkness to light and sow the seeds of character-building and patriotism in them. On the auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima, I pay my tribute to all such Gurus and wish ‘Guru Purnima’ to all the countrymen,” Shah said.
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