As the country gears up to witness the grand Pran Pratishtha ceremony at the Ram Temple in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday flagged off 100 electric buses for tourists in the city. The operation of electric buses will be initiated on the Dharma Path and Ram Path. 100 electric buses will commence operations from January 15 onward in the city. Ayodhya regional transport officer, Ritu Singh said “We are trying our best to provide clean transportation facilities. With the initiative of the honourable Chief Minister, the city is going to get electric buses. Ayodhya City Bus Transportation Ltd has been formed for the same.”
“We will provide the electric bus service to all our VVIP guests invited on January 22. We are also trying our best to promote CNG autos, tempos, taxis, etc. in the city,” the RTO said. Ritu Singh highlighted the importance of drivers in providing a memorable journey in Ayodhya and emphasised the initiatives taken to well-train all the drivers in the city. “Under the initiative of ‘Mera Chalak, Mera Mann’, we are sanitising the drivers. When people from outside come to Ayodhya, they get introduced to the drivers first. We want them to carry a good image of our city. We are grooming drivers for the same,” she said.