Yogi Adityanath, Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, has issued directions for providing quick treatment to tuberculosis patients and containing the infection if the ailment is confirmed in any individual in the state. This step is being conducted in accordance with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s goal of eliminating tuberculosis in the country by 2025.

The Yogi government has also asked officials to speed tuberculosis screening and testing of employees on construction sites of forthcoming expressways across the state overseen by the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI).

Dr Shailendra Bhatnagar, Joint Director (Tuberculosis), State Tuberculosis Control Program, has written to the NHAI Regional Officer (East and West) requesting assistance in organizing screening camps.

In the letter, he requests cooperation from the Uttar Pradesh Expressway Industrial Development Authority in providing information about tuberculosis symptoms and prevention at toll plazas, rest stops, cafes, and gas stations along the expressways. District Tuberculosis Officers (DTO) have been asked to supply the essential IEC (Information, Education, and Communication) materials.

In addition, the DTO will organize a laborer screening camp. Furthermore, Dr. Bhatnagar has stated the availability for smooth patient transportation on the national highway for fast tuberculosis treatment management.