On Monday, Yogi Adityanath, the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, held a Janata Darshan in front of the Mahant Digvijaynath Smriti Bhawan at Gorakhnath Temple and listened attentively to the complaints of almost 200 people from different districts.
Instructing the relevant authorities to address public issues with the utmost seriousness and sensitivity as well as to take stern legal action against those who illegally intrude on people’s land and attempt to damage or destroy the vulnerable, CM Yogi forwarded the prayer letters to them.
Yogi Adityanath has issued directives to guarantee that no one suffers and to ensure that all needy and qualified people receive benefits from government social programs.
CM Yogi instructed authorities to speed the process of estimating the cost of treatment for applications seeking financial aid for the treatment of critical diseases and make it accessible to the government as soon as possible so that the necessary money can be granted as soon as feasible.
The persons occupying the seats were approached by CM Yogi, who assured them that he would see to it that all of their problems were resolved.
He continued by saying that the government stands behind the poor and that there is always money available to treat the poor.
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