Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath criticized West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Friday for the clashes that occurred during Ram Navami celebrations in Murshidabad. He held the TMC responsible for the attack on Ram Navami processions, alleging a disregard for the ‘Sanatan’ faith.
Adityanath highlighted the peaceful conduct of Ram Navami celebrations and processions in all BJP-ruled states, contrasting them with the violence witnessed in West Bengal under the TMC government. He emphasized the importance of the rule of law in ensuring good governance and credited the BJP, under Prime Minister Modi’s leadership, for enhancing security both nationally and within BJP-governed states.
Regarding Mamata Banerjee’s accusation that the BJP orchestrated the clashes in Murshidabad, Adityanath responded, “Ram Navami celebrations and processions were conducted safely in all the states ruled by the BJP, but due to the TMC government of West Bengal, Ram Navami processions were attacked there and efforts were made to hurt ‘Sanatan’ faith.”
Adityanath also expressed confidence in the BJP’s prospects in Rajasthan, stating, “Rajasthan will contribute to the victory of BJP with a huge majority by accepting Modi ji’s model of nationalism, development, security and good governance.” He anticipated a significant victory for the BJP in Rajasthan’s Lok Sabha elections, similar to its performance in the past.
In response to Mamata Banerjee’s claim about the BJP’s role in the clashes, Adityanath countered, “I am challenging and saying that BJP orchestrated the incident that happened the other day… If I ask the BJP commission why they removed their DIG one day before Ram Navami? Was it to plan this?”
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