Union Minister Rao Inderjit Singh has announced to contest the Lok Sabha elections from Haryana. He rejected speculations about contesting the assembly elections. Rao Inderjit said, “These are wrong reports that I will contest the assembly elections.” If the party gives me a ticket, I will contest the Lok Sabha elections.

For some time, there was a discussion going on about the sitting MP from Gurugram and the Minister of State in the Central Government contesting the assembly elections.

According to sources close to the Union Minister, his daughter Aarti Rao may contest the assembly elections.

After the statement of the Union Minister, it has become a suspense from which seat BJP will contest the Lok Sabha elections. However, Rao Inderjit Singh is a big leader of the area as well as the strongest contender for BJP ticket on Gurugram seat.

Rao Inderjit Singh has been MP from this Gurugram Lok Sabha seat for three consecutive terms. He became MP twice (2014-2019) on BJP ticket and in 2009 on Congress ticket. Gurugram Lok Sabha seat came into existence only in 2009 and for the first time the victory on this seat was tied to Rao Inderjit Singh. Earlier, Gurugram district came under Mahendragarh Lok Sabha constituency.

Rao Inderjit Singh said in the statement that in the last Lok Sabha elections, he had lost all the three assembly seats of Nuh district falling under Gurugram seat. However, this time he is confident that he will get full support from the people of Mewat and will win from there also.Even a week ago, Rao Inderjit Singh had said in Pataudi that he will contest from wherever the party contests. But his own wish is to contest elections from Gurugram Lok Sabha seat only. Also said that Gurugram Lok Sabha seat is the most important seat of Northern India. Why would he go anywhere else to contest elections?

Rao Inderjit Singh has also been MP from Mahendragarh seat twice. After breaking the two districts Gurugram and Rewari under Mahendragarh seat and adding Bhiwani-Dadri to it, it was made Bhiwani-Mahendragarh Lok Sabha constituency. There is also discussion that this time the party can make Rao Inderjit Singh contest from Bhiwani-Mahendragarh seat also.

However, sources close to him say that Rao Inderjit will not agree to this. Even if elections have to be contested here, the name of Rao Inderjit Singh’s daughter Aarti Rao can be considered. BJP Parliamentary Board member Dr. Sudha Yadav is also active this time on Gurugram seat. Sudha Yadav is considered close to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Rao Inderjit Singh has, in a way, made his daughter Aarti his political heir. Aarti Rao is completely active in politics. In the last assembly elections, he also claimed from Rewari seat on BJP ticket, but did not contest the election as he did not get the ticket. For quite some time, Aarti Rao, like her father Rao Inderjit Singh, has been holding public meetings and workers’ conferences from Gurugram to Mahendragarh district. She has also announced to contest the elections at any cost.She has also announced to contest the elections at any cost. However, it is not yet clear from which seat Aarti Rao is in the mood to contest the elections.