Union Minister Anurag Thakur launched a scathing attack on the Congress party and its allies, specifically targeting DMK MP Senthil Kumar for his disparaging remarks about Hindi-speaking states following the BJP’s recent assembly election victory.

Thakur accused the Congress of consistently demeaning Hindus, North Indians, and Sanatan Dharma, emphasizing that the party is allegedly attempting to erase India’s cultural identity. He criticized the Congress for resorting to abusive rhetoric after their defeat and accused them of conspiring to divide the nation and insult Hindutva.

He further slammed the Congress for their allegations against electronic voting machines (EVMs) and their refusal to investigate the reasons for their electoral losses. Thakur claimed that the Congress lacks strong leadership and clear policies, and they continuously blame EVMs while disregarding the significance of constitutional institutions.

Digvijaya Singh, a senior Congress leader, recently alleged the vulnerability of machines with chips, emphasizing his opposition to EVMs since 2003. Thakur highlighted these remarks as part of the Congress’s strategy to discredit the electoral process.

Anurag Thakur also brought up remarks made by Telangana CM designate Revanth Reddy, in which Reddy allegedly stated that Telangana’s DNA was superior to Bihar’s. Thakur questioned whether Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi approved of such statements, claiming that Congress and its allies have a pre-planned conspiracy to make derogatory remarks about Hindus and Indians.

Thakur’s criticism centered on the Congress party’s alleged divisive politics, accusing them of targeting specific regions and communities to sow discord and promote an agenda that undermines India’s cultural fabric.