Former Maharashtra Chief Minister and Shivsena UBT Chief Uddhav Thackeray extended his congratulations to the BJP leadership following the BJP’s resounding victories in Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, and Madhya Pradesh. Thackeray acknowledged the BJP’s victories at an award ceremony attended by his party members, emphasizing the importance of democracy in appreciating adversaries’ victories.

Thackeray remarked, “This is democracy at play. Congratulating the BJP for their triumph is a testament to acknowledging others’ successes. I believe such elections should persist, allowing the people to determine the nation’s leadership even in the forthcoming 2024 Lok Sabha polls.”

Expressing concern over shifting loyalties, Thackeray addressed the congregation, highlighting the importance of unity and allegiance within the party. “We’ve seen defections, but we shall stand firm. We’ll contest and triumph in the upcoming elections, be it Lok Sabha or Vidhansabha in 2024,” he declared, rallying his party members.

Thackeray expressed optimism for the future after being encouraged by his colleagues. “The Congress’s previous victories in Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, and MP were in stark contrast to their defeat in Parliament.” “This bodes well for us in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in 2024,” he said, reflecting on historical election patterns.

In addressing the importance of his party workers, he stated, “You all are the backbone of ShivSena UBT.” Our collective effort is critical for the upcoming Maharashtra elections.”

Many were surprised by the BJP’s commanding victories in recent elections, while the Congress found refuge in Telangana, unseating the BRS’s decade-long rule. Thackeray’s strategic words have sparked interest in the political fervor that has followed the elections.