October 14 saw the highly-anticipated India-Pakistan match in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, which Indian won. Videos emerged of Indian fans sloganeering against the Pakistani players. DMK leader Udayanidhi Stalin called this a ‘new low’ and posted on social media on Sunday, “India is renowned for its sportsmanship and hospitality.

However, the treatment meted out to Pakistan players at Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad is unacceptable and a new low. Sports should be a unifying force between countries, fostering true brotherhood. Using it as a tool to spread hatred is condemnable. #IndiaVsPakistan.” In response to Udhayanidhi’s post on X (formerly twitter), BJP spokesperson Gaurav Bhatia wrote, “This hateful dengue, malaria mosquito is out to spread poison again. You don’t have a problem when a match is paused for namaz on the field. Our Lord Ram resides in every corner of the universe, so say Jai Shri Ram.” In a statement,

BJP spokesman Narayanan Tirupathy said, “Udayanidhi should understand that the words ‘Jai Shri Ram’ is part of every Indian’s blood. People like Udhayanidhi, who could not understand the sentiments of the people of the country would definitely not understand the sentiments of Indian cricket fans.” He added that Indian cricketers were treated much worse when they played in Pakistan. TN BJP leader Annamalai also addressed Udayanidhi’s statement on Sunday and said that he had no quality to talk about raising ‘Jai Shri Ram’ slogans. “Raising slogans of Jai Shri Ram cannot be counted as disrespect towards Pakistan players,” he added.

There were videos of fans circulating on social media who were chanting ‘Jai Shri Ram’ when Pakistan player Muhammad Rizwan walked into the dressing room at Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad. Indian won by seven wickets and these videos evoked mixed reactions from Indian fans on social media. Udayanidhi Stalin had courted controversy earlier when he spoke out about Sanatana Dharma as it was against the idea of social justice and should be ‘eradicated’. BJP slammed him for his comment.