In Rajasthan, two young protestors arrived by motorcycle at the residence of a BJP MLA, demanding the cancellation of the Sub-Inspector (SI) recruitment exam. The protest was a continuation of a broader movement among candidates voicing concerns over alleged irregularities in the recruitment process.
Immediate Police Intervention
The protest, however, was short-lived as the police quickly intervened, detaining the two youths and escorting them in a police vehicle. Authorities acted swiftly to prevent the protest from escalating, given the ongoing agitation by several candidates around the state.
Candidates Call for Accountability
The detained individuals were part of a larger group of aspiring SI candidates who have been calling for the government to address alleged issues within the recruitment process. They argue that irregularities have compromised the fairness of the exam, and they seek intervention from the authorities to ensure accountability.
This incident underscores the growing unrest among job-seeking youths who have been vocal about transparency and fairness in competitive examinations.