In a daring move against domestic violence, two women, Kavita and Gunja, from the city of Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh, left their abusive and alcohol-addicted husbands and chose to marry each other. The marriage, as a symbol of resilience and peace, took place on Thursday at the Shiva Temple in Deoria, locally known as Choti Kashi.
Kavita and Gunja, who share the experience of harassment and abuse, say that they took this decision after years of humiliation. The two women met on Instagram and found comfort and support in each other and decided to marry each other.
“We were tormented by our husbands’ drinking and abusive behavior. This pushed us to choose a life of peace and love. We have decided to live in Gorakhpur as a couple and work to sustain ourselves,” Gunja said, sharing their motivation to start anew.
Modern Love Story
On their wedding day, Gunja became the groom. Firstly, they performed the rituals by applying sindoor (vermillion) to Kavita’s forehead, then exchanged garlands, and finally took the seven pheras. Temple priest Uma Shankar Pandey said, “The couple quietly completed the rituals and left with their vows of love and commitment.”.
The couple will rent a room in Gorakhpur and, consequently, begin their life as married people, free from violence.
Wider Context: Insight into Domestic Violence
This case highlights widespread domestic violence. Earlier this month, police in Uttar Pradesh’s Raebareli arrested a woman who strangled her abusive husband to death last September. According to reports, Bimla Devi revealed that her habitual-drinking husband tortured her for the past eight years.
Both stories underscore the immediate need for greater awareness and measures to address domestic violence, enabling victims to break free from such situations and begin anew.