In a tragic incident, two girls, aged 18 and 15, were found hanging from a tree in Bhagautipur village, Uttar Pradesh, on Tuesday morning. The local police suspect suicide, but investigations are ongoing to determine the exact circumstances surrounding their deaths.
According to Superintendent of Police (SP) Alok Priyadarshi, the girls were reportedly close friends and used a single dupatta to hang themselves. “Upon receiving information, we immediately reached the site to investigate. The girls appeared to have climbed the tree together and tied the dupatta to a branch,” SP Priyadarshi said. He added that the initial findings suggest suicide, but the postmortem report will provide more clarity.
Pappu, the father of one of the deceased girls, shared his account of the incident. He mentioned that after returning from a temple visit, the girls had told him they were going back for a late-night program. “I was tired from working on the farm and went to sleep. When the program ended around midnight, I couldn’t find them. I searched everywhere but found no trace of them,” he said.
It was only the next morning that a villager discovered the bodies hanging from a tree in a nearby field. Pappu suspects foul play, claiming that someone may have murdered the girls before staging the scene. “I believe someone killed them and then hanged them. However, I don’t have enmity with anyone,” he added.
The police recovered a mobile phone and SIM card at the scene, which are currently under investigation. The family has filed a case, seeking to uncover the truth behind the incident.
Further investigations are ongoing, with the police looking into all possible angles, including the possibility of foul play or coercion. The postmortem results are awaited for a more definitive conclusion.
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