Amid heavy rainfall, two private bank employees tragically died on Friday after their SUV became trapped in a flooded underpass in Faridabad, Haryana, according to police. The victims, identified as 48-year-old Punyashray Sharma, an HDFC Bank branch manager, and 26-year-old Viraj Dwivedi, a cashier at the same branch in Gurugram’s Sector 31, were returning to their home in Greater Faridabad from Gurugram.

Despite warnings about high water levels, the two entered the flooded old Faridabad Railway underpass, which had been inundated due to heavy rain. As their SUV began to submerge, the pair attempted to escape and swim to safety but tragically drowned. Sharma’s body was retrieved from the vehicle, while Dwivedi’s body was discovered after a prolonged search at around 4 a.m. on Saturday.

Police said passers-by had tried to assist the duo, managing to pull them from the vehicle, but unfortunately, Dwivedi died on the spot. Sharma was rushed to Badshah Khan Civil Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Inspector Samer Singh of NIT Faridabad police confirmed that the families of the victims had been notified and that the bodies would be handed over after post-mortem examinations.

Heavy rainfall in the Delhi-NCR region has led to severe waterlogging, with the IMD issuing a yellow alert and predicting further rain in isolated areas.