Delhi Police has arrested two individuals in connection with the murder of a man near Samaypur Badli Metro Station on Wednesday night. The accused, identified as Sanjeet (31), a resident of Suraj Park, and his brother Rohit (26), were neighbors of the victim, Lallan, who was stabbed to death during a brawl.
According to police, the altercation began when Sanjeet allegedly used abusive language against Surender, the victim’s brother. When Surender objected, Sanjeet, along with his brothers Lalit and Rohit, reportedly started beating him. Surender called his family members, including Lallan, his son Ravi, and son-in-law Ranjeet, to intervene.
During the scuffle, Sanjeet allegedly stabbed Lallan with a knife before fleeing the scene. Sanjeet also sustained a minor injury during the brawl.
The police arrested Sanjeet from BSA Hospital and apprehended Rohit from Suraj Park, Badli. Authorities revealed that the families of the accused and the victim had a history of quarrels, which escalated into the fatal confrontation.
The police are continuing their investigation to uncover further details about the incident. Additional steps are being taken to locate and apprehend any other individuals involved.
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