Two individuals have been arrested by Pune police in connection with the manipulation of blood samples in the ‘Pune Porsche crash’ case, according to Pune Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar. The arrests were made by the Pune crime branch on Monday night. The accused are allegedly involved in swapping the blood samples of two friends of the main minor accused, who were present in the car during the accident. They are set to appear in court for remand on Tuesday as the investigation continues.
The incident dates back to May 19, when a Porsche, allegedly driven by a minor under the influence of alcohol, collided with two IT professionals in the Kalyani Nagar area of Pune, killing them on the spot. Following the crash, a case was registered in July by the Pune crime branch against the minor’s parents, doctors at Sassoon Hospital, and two others, accusing them of conspiring to tamper with evidence and manipulate blood samples.
The case sparked nationwide outrage after the Juvenile Justice Board (JJB) granted bail to the minor on lenient terms, including writing a 300-word essay on road safety. The controversy led to the formation of a panel by the Women and Child Development Department to investigate the conduct of the JJB members involved in the bail decision.
The Pune police have since filed a 900-page chargesheet against the seven accused, including the minor’s parents. The case against the minor is ongoing before the Juvenile Justice Board.
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