On Tuesday, Tamil star Vijay who launched his Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam (TVK) party recently, put out a statement on X (formerly Twitter), opposing the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) notification. He wrote, “In circumstances where the nation’s people live with social harmony, doing divisive politics and introducing acts like CAA 2019 is unnecessary. The ruling government in the State should give assurance that they won’t implement the law in Tamil Nadu.”

Earlier, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and DMK leader MK Stalin stated that the BJP is using Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) to polarise society and for political gains. On Monday, Stalin released a statement on X (formerly Twitter), stating, “Union BJP Government’s divisive agenda has weaponised the Citizenship Act, turning it from a beacon of humanity to a tool of discrimination based on religion and race through the enactment of #CAA. By betraying Muslims and Sri Lankan Tamils, they sowed seeds of division. Despite staunch opposition from democratic forces like DMK, the #CAA was passed with the support of BJP’s stooge AIADMK. Fearing backlash from the people, the BJP kept the Act in cold storage (sic).”

He also added that the DMK was against the CAA and said, “After DMK came to power in 2021, we passed a resolution in #TNLA urging the union government to repeal the #CAA to safeguard the unity of our nation, uphold social harmony, and protect the ideal of secularism enshrined in our constitution.”
The TN CM said that since elections were coming up, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was trying to “salvage his sinking ship by cynically resurrecting” the CAA exploiting religious sentiments for political gain.