On the 78th Independence Day, Lok Sabha MP from Tripura West, Biplab Kumar Deb, took part in the celebrations by hoisting the national flag at Katung Para, Radhamohanpur Village Council in West Tripura district on Thursday. The event saw active participation from local residents and district officials, marking the day with a strong sense of patriotism. MP Deb extended his heartfelt wishes to the citizens on this auspicious occasion.

In Agartala, Tripura Chief Minister Manik Saha also hoisted the national flag at his residence. During his address, CM Saha paid tribute to the freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for India’s independence. He highlighted the success of the “Har Ghar Tiranga” campaign in the state, which encouraged widespread participation and renewed patriotic fervor. The Chief Minister also took the opportunity to congratulate the Police and Home Guard personnel from Tripura who were awarded the President’s Medal for Meritorious Service, recognizing their dedication and commitment to the nation.

The Independence Day celebrations in Agartala included a vibrant cultural program at the Assam Rifles ground, organized by the School Education Department. The event featured a dance drama promoting a drug-free Tripura, along with captivating performances showcasing the rich Janajati culture of the state. A yoga session was also part of the event, adding to the diverse array of activities that reflected the true spirit of patriotism and community unity in Tripura.