In a significant move aimed at boosting employment, the Tripura Government has announced plans to release over 10,000 job opportunities following the completion of the Panchayat elections. This decision was made by Tripura’s Chief Minister, Prof. Dr. Manik Saha, who has consistently demonstrated his commitment to the state’s development and the welfare of its youth.

Since assuming office, Chief Minister Dr. Saha has spearheaded initiatives and conducted meetings focused on increasing job availability.

Data from 2018 to 2024 reveals that a total of 13,661 job offers were issued during this period.

“There are some pending offers remaining from Tripura Police, Group D under Joint Recruitment Board Tripura, Special Executives, and others. We have received instructions from Chief Minister Dr. Saha to release these offers soon after the Panchayat Elections. There are over 10,000 offers which will be released soon,” said an official from the Chief Minister’s Office (CMO).

In Group A, 99 people received job offers in 2018-19, 4 in 2019-20, 40 in 2020-21, 223 in 2021-22, 147 in 2022-23, and 28 in 2023-24. For Group B, 1 person received job offers in 2018-19, 3 in 2019-20, 4 in 2020-21, 16 in 2021-22, 77 in 2022-23, and 7 in 2023-24. Group C saw 986 job offers in 2018-19, 965 in 2019-20, 629 in 2020-21, 2699 in 2021-22, 5044 in 2022-23, and 1966 in 2023-24. Lastly, Group D had 100 job offers in 2018-19, 174 in 2019-20, 121 in 2020-21, 134 in 2021-22, 116 in 2022-23, and 78 in 2023-24.

Chief Minister Dr. Saha, dedicated to the state’s progress and youth employment, has instructed officials to expedite the release of pending job offers.

Following the Panchayat polls, approximately 10,000 job offers, including positions in the Tripura Police, JRBT, and as Special Executives, will be released.