Delhi Police have arrested three men in connection with the murder of a casual laborer, whose body was discovered beneath Masoodpur flyover in Southwest Delhi on Tuesday. According to officials, the police received a call in the evening about a body spotted near the flyover in Vasant Kunj. Upon arriving at the scene, they found the deceased, identified as John Madrasi, around 40 years old, lying beside a tree.
The victim’s T-shirt was bloodstained, and he had visible stab and laceration wounds on his chest and abdomen. A forensic team was called to gather evidence from the crime scene. John, who worked as a casual laborer and took small jobs like clearing drains and gutters, was known in the area.
Following the discovery, police teams reviewed CCTV footage from nearby cameras and launched an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the incident. A key breakthrough came when footage showed three individuals fleeing the area around 6:45 PM.
A team led by SHO/VK South Inspector Vipin Kumar, along with ASI Hari Ram and others, under the supervision of ACP Vasant Kunj Satyajeet Sarin, identified and apprehended the suspects: Aman, a ragpicker and beggar from Rangpuri Pahadi, Aamir, employed at a company near a petrol pump in Narsinghpur, Haryana, and Jeewan, a drummer, also from Rangpuri Pahadi.
During interrogation, police learned that Aman and Jeewan had gone to the flyover to collect an unpaid debt of Rs 800 from Aamir. The trio sat near some bushes, consuming alcohol, and also shared drinks with John, whose bedding was nearby. Tensions arose when Aman vomited near John’s bedding, prompting a heated argument. John objected and used abusive language, which enraged Aman, who then attacked him with a broken liquor bottle. Jeewan also stabbed John using a vegetable knife owned by the deceased.
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