The All India Trinamool Congress (AITC) has written to the Chief Electoral Officer of West Bengal, urging immediate action against BJP leader Samit Mondal. This follows Mondal’s appearance alongside Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a public meeting in Kharagpur on May 19 and his subsequent connection to a police seizure of Rs. 35 lakhs in unaccounted cash.

In a post on X, AITC stated, “We’ve penned a letter to the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO), complaining against BJP leader Samit Mondal, who was seen sharing the same stage as PM Narendra Modi on 19th May and was later apprehended by the Dist. police with Rs. 35 lakhs worth of unaccounted cash. We’ve also flagged that @ECISVEEP instead of taking strong action against said BJP leader, transferred the SP of Paschim Medinipur arbitrarily and unjustly just for discharging his duties. We demand that the matter be thoroughly investigated and appropriate action be taken against the guilty!” AITC posted on Tuesday.

The letter, titled “Complaint against Samit Mondal, a leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the BJP leader(s)/member(s), for resorting to malpractices and corruption during the ensuing Lok Sabha elections, 2024 and further against the unjust/arbitrary transfer of Superintendent of Police (SP) of Paschim Medinipur by Election Commission of India (ECI), thereby acting in a partisan manner,” raises several serious allegations.

According to the letter, during a raid on May 19, district police apprehended an individual, Shibu, at the Event View Hotel in Kalaikunda, Kharagpur, with over Rs. 32 lakhs in unaccounted cash. Shibu is reportedly a close aide of Sudam Pandit, BJP’s Kanthi Sangathanik Zilla President, and Samit Mondal. The AITC claims this money could be used to influence voters, violating the Model Code of Conduct and compromising electoral fairness.

The letter stated, “This is to bring to your urgent attention that we are astonished by the series of events that have recently transpired in connection with a public meeting held by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi, star campaigner of BJP, and Samit Mondal, BJP’s leader, at Kharagpur (falling under Medinipur Parliamentary Constituency), on 19.05.2024.”

“On 19.05.2024, while conducting a raid in the Event View Hotel, Sahachak, Kalaikunda under Kharagpur Local PS, one Shibu was apprehended by the district police with more than Rs. 32,00,000/- (Rupees Thirty-Two Lakhs Only) of unaccounted cash. It is pertinent to note that the said Shibu is a close aide and confidant of Sudam Pandit (President, BJP Kanthi Sangathanik Zilla) and Mondal and can be seen in close proximity and engaging with several members of the BJP, who were present on the dais during PM Modi’s public meeting on the aforementioned date,” the letter added.

The letter further stated, “Such a seizure from an ally of Mr. Mondal who holds a titular position in the BJP in the local area and is widely known as being extremely close to Mrs. Agnimitra Paul, the BJP candidate from Medinipur PC, raises serious concerns about corruption and misuse of power being promoted by the leader(s)/member(s) of the BJP. (An image of the seized money is being provided for your reference as ‘Annexure 2’). An FIR in this regard was also registered by the local PS.”

Moreover, AITC expressed shock at the subsequent transfer of Paschim Medinipur SP Dhritiman Sarkar by the ECI on May 20, describing the move as arbitrary and punitive. They argue that Sarkar’s transfer demoralizes the police force and erodes public confidence.

“What comes as a more shocking turn of events is that the ECI, instead of taking strong action against the BJP, acted in a completely baffling arbitrary manner. The very next day, i.e. on 20.05.2024, the ECI transferred Dhritiman Sarkar, SP of Paschim Medinipur, without any justification/explanation/reasoning, by passing an arbitrary and capricious transfer order vide Notification no. 464/WB-HP/ES-II/2024. This abrupt transfer is indicative of an act of retribution/punishment against the SP for performing his duties independently and righteously. The aforesaid transfer order fails to offer any rationale behind the ECI’s sudden decision and has an adverse impact of eroding public confidence in the police force of the state of West Bengal as well as demoralising a disciplined force,” the letter reads.

The letter outlines key issues: “Corruption and Malfeasance: Samit Mondal of BJP was caught with a considerably large amount of unaccounted-for cash… which undermines the fairness of the democratic process… Intimidation of law enforcement agency: The sudden transfer of a high-ranking officer… suggests potential intimidation of law enforcement agencies to shield individuals engaged in corrupt practices.”

“Samit Mondal of BJP was caught with a considerably large amount of unaccounted-for cash, which is first and foremost a direct violation of the Model Code of Conduct (“MCC”) and other electoral laws, and it undermines the fairness of the democratic process. Given that Mr. Mondal was present with Mr. Modi during the said public meeting, it can be deduced that Mr. Modi is also actively engaged in such corrupt practices. Further, such unaccounted cash could also be used to unduly manipulate and influence voters, which completely undermines the ethos of a ‘free and fair election’. Therefore, BJP is evidently engaging in corrupt practices which are likely to disrupt the level playing field,” the letter reads.

“The sudden transfer of a high-ranking officer who was performing his duty with utmost diligence suggests potential intimidation of law enforcement agencies to shield individuals engaged in corrupt practices. Since Purulia and Medinipur are scheduled to go for polls on 25.05.2024, the present decision of the ECI raises suspicion that the subject transfers have been orchestrated,” it added.

With elections in Purulia and Medinipur imminent, the AITC demands a thorough investigation and appropriate actions to ensure a free and fair electoral process.