Denied permission by Delhi police to stage a protest at Ram Leela Maidan, the Trinamool Congress has decided to observe “Satyagraha” at Rajghat on Gandhi Jayanti. The Trinamool Congress has asked its MPs, MLAs, Zilla Parishad Sabhadhipati and Chairman of the municipalities to reach Delhi before October 1st to join the “Satyagraha” at Rajghat on October 2nd.
Its leaders say the party is committed to take the protest to the national capital to raise its voice against the “politics of deprivation” against the Centre’s decision to withhold funds for Bengal. The ruling party in Bengal is of the opinion that the Centre’s move is “destroying livelihood” of the people of the State.
Party chairperson and West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and the party’s national general secretary Abhishek Banerjee will go to Delhi and visit Rajghat to pay their respect to Mahatma Gandhi on October 2. The duo is also scheduled to meet Union Minister Giriraj Singh on October 3. They will be accompanied by TMC MPs, MLAs, Zilla Parishad Sabhadhipati, and Panchayat Samiti Sabhadhipatis. The Trinamool Congress will carry 50 lakh letters from the people to register its protest against the fund blockade. The party’s national general secretary Abhishek Banerjee has condemned Delhi Police’s move to deny permission to stage a sit-in-demonstration and also threatened to file a lawsuit if the Delhi Police gives in writing that they would not allow the protest rally.
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